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St. Joseph's

Catholic Primary School

Living Life to the Full

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Mini Governors

Mini Governors

St Joseph’s Mini Governors are a hard working team of dedicated children.
The Mini Governors are very busy and pride themselves on making a positive impact on their school.


The Mini Governors are made up of three elected students from Year 6 (Treasurer, Chairman and Secretary) and two students from each year who are responsible for holding meetings in their class and feeding back to the Mini Governors. We meet on a fortnightly basis with Mrs Cook and carry out tasks in between meetings. Any relevant issues raised by us are voiced by Mrs Cook at staff meetings.


The Mini Governors offers children an opportunity to have their say about a wide range of issues in school. They been involved in lots of activities ranging from fundraising, traffic safety, presenting annual talent shows and holding coffee mornings for Parents. They also look into how we can look after our planet through recycling, conserving energy and working on current environment initiatives.  




Easter Competition

Making Wildflower Bombs. We got a little bit mucky!!! Available to buy at our Coffee Morning for only £1.50

New Eco Heroes Books for our Library. Inspiring our children to look after our World.

Delivering Coffee Morning Flyers to our neighbours :)

Join us for our next Coffee Morning 16/02/23

Preloved Uniform. It's better for our planet to reuse, so why not pick up Preloved items. Available from our School Main Entrance area.

Christmas Coffee Morning. Thank you for coming.

Raising money for The Royal British Legion's Poppy Appeal.

Asking motorists to slow down outside out school. Cleaner Air and Safer Road.

Litter Picking in our Local Area.

Making a memorial area for Queen Elizabeth II
